Do Possums Carry Rabies?

Do Possums Carry Rabies ClearwaterSome of the most common critters found in the Florida area are possums. Although these wild animals are nocturnal, which means they mostly go out at night to search for food, few of them are still seen during the day. You may be wondering right now, do possums carry rabies? Are they even dangerous? What should you do when you see one in your property?

Most mammals may carry rabies; however, when it comes to possums, or opossums as other people call them, rabies occurrence is very rare. They are aloof and are seen to be rarely dangerous because there are not many reports of possums attacking humans. This doesn’t mean that you should let one of them linger around your property. They are, after all, still wild animals. They aren’t domesticated so they wouldn’t stop doing whatever it is they’re doing even if you tell them to.

Possums are not known to attack. However, they can do so when they feel threatened. Because of this, they can be a serious threat to your house pets, especially cats and dogs who would do everything they can to protect the household.

Some of them may find their way inside your home while searching for food and shelter. When this happens, they have to be manually removed with a possum trap. As mentioned, while generally harmless, these critters can and will attack when they feel threatened. Whether you find one inside or outside of your home, for as long as it is within your property, it is best to call a possum removal expert right away.

Do possums carry rabies? Rarely but still possible. That doesn’t make them less of a threat to your home’s occupants especially your pets. Get assistance from the experts at Animal Wildlife Trappers right away when you encounter these critters. We service Brandon, Clearwater, Tampa, and surrounding areas. Call 813-734-7080 to get a free quote.

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